Completion tools



An adapter is a short tubular part with ‘Box-Pin’ thread configuration which is used to connect two tubular parts with same or different thread types and sizes. 

cogbi open-hole-hydraulic-set-packer

Open Hole Hydraulic Set Packer

Open hole Packer provides mechanical isolation where high-pressure differentials are required across the packer element.


Swell Packer Slip on Type

Slip on swellable packers is a fit-for-purpose modular tool kit that enables operators to install customized swellable packer systems in openhole applications and well construction projects. 

packer cogbi

Swell Packer Bonded Type

Bonded type swellable packers provide a one-trip, self-setting isolation system designed to activate and seal through the natural contact of in-situ wellbore fluids. 


Swell Packer High Performance Bonded Type

Bonded type high performance swellable packer is designed for the challenges and rigors of high-performance fracture isolation. 


Entry & Re-entry Guide

The “Wireline Entry guide” are used for safe re-entry of wireline tools from the casing into the tubing string. 

cogbi Flow-Couplings

Flow Couplings

 Flow Couplings are heavy wall connectors used in tubing strings and are designed to minimize the effect of internal erosive action caused by production fluids. 


Pup Joint

Pup Joints are used to adjust the height of full length tubing or casing strings. They are also used to adjust the depth of down hole tools.


Blast Nipple

A section of heavy walled tubing that is placed across any perforated interval through which the production tubing must pass, such as may be required in multiple zone completions. 

Seal Bore Extension

Seal Bore Extension enables the longer sealing area or extracting of sealing area.

Seal Unit & Seal Unit Extension

The seals unit provide positive seal to higher pressures and temperatures. Many types of seals units are available, and others can be designed to fit specific needs.

Millout Extension

Mill-Out Extension is a tubular product which resemble pup joints/pup joint extensions and are not actually “milled” as its name implies.

cogbi bull-nose

Bull Nose

The Bullnose is a blanking device used at the end of the string. Its primary function is to prevent flow from entering the bottom end of the string, whilst its rounded nose design provides a positives guide while running in hole.

cogbi o-ring-seal-sub

O-Ring Seal Sub

This is a completion accessory that facilitates completion and gravel pack operations by providing pressure and fluid sealing at selected point in completion assembly.

cogbi Shear-Sub

Shear Sub

Shear sub is a shear joint designed for installation below the packer assembly and above the well screens.



Locator is used for the location of various wireline flow control devices in the production string. This locator contain a no-go shoulder used to locate and set the flow control device being run into the well.

Polished Stinger

The stinger is a simple polished tubing section with an integral no-go to provide wash-pipe isolation to enable wash-down and protect screens from mud solids plugging.

Expansion Joint

The forces generated by thermal expansion or contraction can be significant. A device or completion component designed to enable relative movement between two fixed assemblies in the event of thermal expansion or contraction.